Acheinu (אחינו)
11th Century Jewish Prayer
Song by Aryeh Shalom
Music Production
Music by Aryeh Shalom www.aryehshalom.com
Produced by Matt Muir @matty_muir
Mastered by Ryan Schwabe www.ryanschwabe.com
Recorded at Retro City Studios www..retrocitystudios.com
An Old City Theatre Production www.oldcitytheatre.com
Music Consultant - Craig Bancoff
PSA Video Production
Cinematography, & Editing - Aryeh Shalom
Assistant Editor - Jon Erlbaum
Assistant Editor - Erin Seeherman

Exile and Redemption
Composed, Written & Directed by Aryeh Shalom
Music Production :: Barrie Maguire
Cinematography :: Shaia Erlbaum
Assistant Director :: Moshe Stern
Executive Producers :: Chana & Norman Cohen
Naomi Ruth :: Yael (Younger)
Sarah Sasha :: Yehudit (Younger)
Aryeh Shalom :: Abba
Shaya Stern :: Yankela (Younger)
Ariel Arbely :: Messenger
Moshe Stern :: Messenger
Aviel Nissimi :: The Hidden Tzadik
Erin Seeherman :: Yehudit
Moshe Berman :: Yankela
Yael Leiner :: Yael
Ayden Tzofia :: Yael's Daughter
Jennifer Tinianow :: Michal
Moshe Shapiro :: The Rebbe
Evan Davis Shepherd
Guy Moshe :: Shepherd
Ilya Rakhman :: Shepherd
Elana Auerback :: Shepherdess
Benny Goldstein :: The Rebbe's son
Shalev Goldstein :: The Rebbe's son
Eli Stern :: Tziona
Tucker Hill :: Music Trio
David Pearl :: Music Trio
Jeremy Savo :: Music Trio
Sasha Aleiner :: Chevra
Hila Davis :: Chevra
Stephanie Eisen :: Chevra
Tim Ferguson :: Chevra
Daniel Jakobi :: Chevra
Lou Lassoff :: Chevra
Gideon Matzkin :: Chevra
Rachel Matzkin :: Chevra
Music Production
Barrie Maguire :: Executive Producer
Aryeh Shalom :: Producer & Composer
Craig Bancoff :: Associate Music Producer
Adam Cooper :: Associate Music Producer
Jon Erlbaum :: Associate Music Producer
Alfred Goodritch :: Associate Producer
Chris Muth :: Mastering
Tim Ferguson :: Engineer
Jeffrey Booth :: Consultant
Studio Musicians
Adam Cooper :: Drums & Percussion
Alfred Goodrich :: Cello
Aryeh Shalom :: Piano, Guitar, Vocals
Barrie Maguire :: Electric Bass
Jared Jackson :: Saxophone
Jason Rosenblatt :: Blues Harp
Jordan Berger :: Upright Bass
Matt Kitzen-Abelson :: Shofar
Matt Muir :: Drums
Ross Bellenoit :: Electric Guitar
Tim Brey :: Electric Keys
Tom Hampton :: Acoustic guitar & Mandolin
Valerie Vuolo :: Violin
Live Music W/
Aryeh Shalom :: Piano, Guitar, Vocals
Yakov Leib AKA J-Baum :: Guitar & Vocals
& The Mystic Mayhem
Ethan Fienstein :: Drums
Sam Gutman :: Electric Keys
Tucker Hill :: Bass
Jeremy Savo :: Lead Guitar
Film Production
Shaia Erlbaum :: Cinematography
Aryeh Shalom :: Production,
Cinematography, & Editing
Moshe Stern :: Assistant Director
Erin Seeherman :: Assistant Editor
Hue Wong :: Assistant Editor
Jon Erlbaum :: Associate Producer
Jocelyn Firth :: Associate Producer
Tara Levy :: Associate Producer
Ari Kasowitz :: Graphic Design
Sharon Ross :: Graphic Design
Sasha Aleiner :: Photography
Aryeh Hoppenstein :; Consultant
Daniel Erlbaum :: Consultant
R Matthew Faigen :: Consultant
Brandon Kamin :: Consultant
R Shmuel Lynn :: Consultant
Sareesh Sudhakran :: Consultant
Maria Shamkalian :: Consultant
R Chaim Aharon Shenkman :: Consultant
Yis Tigay :: Consultant
Leon Vinokur :: Consultant
Music & Film Studios
Booth's Cabin
Heart Crimes
Kawari Sound
Milk Boy (Larry Gold) Studio
Old City Theatre
Silvertone Studios
The Attic
Shout Outs
Aaron, Eliana, & Beyamin Ross
Amy & Daniel Erlbaum
Asya Nemirovsky
Basya & Lilly Goldstein
Damon Booz & Family
Dan Levin
Elisheva Cohen
Franciska Kosman
Grant Schmidt
Hannah & Jeff Steinberg
Jamie Howard
Jennifer & Brandon Stranzl
Jessica & Jon Erlbaum
Justin Harrison
Leah & Arumi Sharabi
Leiba & Marc Erlbaum
Leon & Nisa Vinokur
Mendel Sherman
R Denise & R. Mike Stern
R Eliezer Hirsch
R. Amanda & Menasha Benedict
R. Gevura & Binyomin Davis
R. Marc Trager
R. Sara Esther & R. Asher Crispe
R. Yochanon Goldman
Sharon & Kevin Ross
Shira & Malkiel Nadel
Shira & R Chaim Aaron Shenkman
Tara & Sam Goldstein
Special Thanks
Bnai Abraham
Greater Philadelphia Film Office
Innova Riding Stables
Longport Clerk's Office
Lower Merion Film Office
Lower Merion Parks & Recreation
Lower Merion Police Department
Mcgriff Insurance Services
Mekor Habracha
Northbrook Canoe Company
Philadelphia Parks & Recreation
The Chevra Social Club
West Laurel Hill Cemetery
Heartfelt Gratitude
The Only One
Mom "ZAL" & Dad
R. Henny "ZAL" & R. Mordechai Machles
R. Mordechai Sheinberger
R. Morris Cohen "ZAL"
R. Moshe Webber "ZAL"
R. Moshe Weinberger
R. Motty Berger
R. Noach Weinberg "ZAL"
R. Shimon Horowitz
Safta Besse "ZAL" & R Benny Pascal "ZAL"
Safta Fay Cohen "ZAL"
The Rebbe "ZAL"